Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Helping Employees Through The Economic Downturn

As we all know by know by now, our country is in crisis. Our economy is at its worst since the 1980's. Job losses have hit a record high and unemployment rates are soaring. The national average is 9.4%; here in Florida, we are at 10.2% and it seems as if it is not getting better. People who are out of work are fearful, anxious and demoralized, often not knowing which way to turn to seek new employment opportunities.

People who still have a job are equally fearful and anxious over whether they will see a pink slip in their box. This level of emotionality can be a barrier for employee engagement, performance, and productivity. There may also be higher levels of absenteeism as workers suffer the side-effects from stress, anxiety and depression.

So, how can organizations help their employees through this period of uncertainty, while keeping morale and productivity healthy? There are several ways that organizational leaders can help their employees keep focused and productive.

1. Communicate - this is probably one the most important steps leaders can take. Let your employees know what is happening within the organization. Talk to them about their feelings and what is going on, as to how the business is doing within its industry. If employees don't know what is happening in the workplace, they will start to deduce and expect the worst. Schedule both formal and informal team meetings. Have an open door policy; this is not the time to dismiss employees. They need reassurance now.

2. Make them feel valued - show them you are glad they are your employees. Value their skills and contributions. Create a valued environment - create a caring culture. Say thanks or let them know how their skills are making an impact on the bottom line. Encourage teamwork and sharing of ideas. Research has shown that employees highly value acknowledgment from their supervisors often times more than traditional rewards. In lean times, you don't have to spend money to show employees you care.

3. Keep focused on organizational goals and outcomes - keeping employees focused on their job tasks and outcomes will leave them little time to worry about the state of the organization or a potential job loss. Work will get done, which will lead to a level of job security and elevated emotional levels. When the work gets done, management is happy, customers are happy, which can trickle down to create happy employees.

4. Promote your EAP -If you find employees feeling overly anxious, which is adversely affecting job performance or that your team is impacted, then it time to tap into those benefits you offer. Be sure to promote EAP services to employees so they will feel comfortable seeking services. Accessing EAP services can often be seen as a stigma for those in need ("you're crazy"), which prevents them from seeking services. It is the strong that recognize they cannot carry the burden alone. If management supports EAP services, then employees will also.

5. Bring in outside resources, as necessary - it may be a good idea to bring in outside resources, such as a coach or therapist who specializes in careers and in working with stress and anxiety. They could meet with employees, both individually and as a group, to teach them ways to recognize their stress triggers and how to cope with them. Often, this helps employees learn from each other and gives them the chance to be the expert. This could facilitate improved communication, teamwork, and a supportive environment. A coach could help employees understand how to manage their careers, which will empower them to always be prepared in case there are layoffs. A coach could help managers feel secure in their leadership skills and to assist in the creation of a healthy work environment.

We are all riding out this economic wave. Businesses that are proactive and take care of their employees will be the ones that survive and come out stronger. Following the steps outlined can create a positive and healthy culture, create trust between employees and leaders, and keep employees engaged and focused on achieving organizational goals.

Dr. Barbara Seifert, CPC, is the President/Owner of Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting, which offers individual and organizational performance solutions. Services are aimed at increasing personal and professional development and enhancing organizational wellness through coaching, training and EAP services. Focus areas include career planning, generational diversity, and workplace wellness. Barbara is a certified coach, a licensed psychotherapist and an adjunct professor. To learn more, visit our website at

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